PRESTON, England – Myerscough Basketball has released Episode 26 of SCO: The Podcast, which is titled “Anguillian Attitude” and features Class of 2021 prospect Wakeem Richardson.
The podcast, which will drop weekly at 10 a.m. on Mondays, gives voice to the stories of Myerscough Basketball Academy student-athletes past and present, as well as the coaching staff and those who have helped shape the programme.
Myerscough Basketball newcomer Richardson drops by the pod to talk to Allen Gunn about what it was like growing up in Anguilla and how his early introduction to basketball fueled his competitive spirit. Plus, he details his transition to England, his selection to DENG Camp and what he’s currently getting up to in the gym.
Listeners can access SCO: The Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn + Alexa, Stitcher Radio and via the Myerscough Buzzsprout page.
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