Episode 27: The Art of Stoyan

PRESTON, England – Myerscough Basketball has released Episode 27 of SCO: The Podcast, which is titled “The Art of Stoyan” and features alumn Stoyan Toshkov.

The podcast, which will drop weekly at 10 a.m. on Mondays, gives voice to the stories of Myerscough Basketball Academy student-athletes past and present, as well as the coaching staff and those who have helped shape the programme.

Myerscough Basketball alum Stoyan calls in from Bulgaria to talk about his journey to the Preston-based programme, the influence of the Academy’s coaching staff on his own coaching journey and how he’s taking advantage of the opportunity to work with the BBL’s Worcester Wolves. Allen saves time to take Stoyan on a trip down memory lane to talk the “best of” during his time at the Academy.

Listeners can access SCO: The Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn + Alexa, Stitcher Radio and via the Myerscough Buzzsprout page.

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