Episode 7: My Own Path

PRESTON, England – Myerscough Basketball has released Episode 7 of SCO: The Podcast, which is titled “My Own Path” and features three alumni who have all used a BTEC qualification to further their studies.

The podcast, which will drop weekly at 10 a.m. on Mondays, gives voice to the stories of Myerscough Basketball Academy student-athletes past and present, as well as the coaching staff and those who have helped shape the programme.

A (student union) president, a lettings negotiator and a legal administrator. Emmanuel Kabengele, Alex Roberts and Cian Hickey all had their own reasons to forgo the American basketball dream and pursue degrees at prestigious universities based in England, carving their own paths in the process.

Listeners can access SCO: The Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn + Alexa, Stitcher Radio and via the Myerscough Buzzsprout page.

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